06 September 2010


I realized I was neurotic when I was living in DC. 
I found a fellow friend of mine who was also a self proclaimed neurotic. 
We laughed it off as having "Larry David" moments. 

Now that I'm in peace corps El Salvador I'm having Larry David moment almost daily. 
Cultural clashes happen everyday and little by little I'm laughing about it rather than ranting. 

Ready for a Joke?

What is the difference between a neurotic and a psychotic? 
The psychotic truly believes that 2 + 2 = 5. 
The neurotic knows that it is 4 but can't stand it.

I tried this joke out on Haley and she laughed.... well as much as she could over gchat. Please feel free to use it. :)

Current Status: Being more and more ok with 2 + 2 equaling 4. 

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