26 December 2011

Mom loves the people of El Salvador

 And they love her!

visiting the women's co-op where they make and sell indigo textiles, natural soap and recycled paper

hiking to Prudi's coffee finca

Prudi shows mom the home he build by hand...
He is so proud and we are so very impressed

hiking around sunset is beautiful here in Norte Morazan
Beach day with the family!!!

Hanging with the band
christmas lunch at the Lenca was a meat lovers paradise
this child is about to pass out from all the food,
but he won't stop til the plate is clean

time for games to work off that monster lunch

wreath toss

three legged kick

this game... 

find the baby jesus and win a point
another crowd favorite,
how many kisses in the jar

baking carrot cake from scratch
pay no attention to the box below

La Posada
The children of the community dress up as the nativity scene,
carry candles
and go house to house asking for lodging (in song)
At each house, the resident responds by refusing lodging (also in song), until the weary travelers reach the designated site for the party (in this case the school), where Mary and Joseph are finally recognized and allowed to enter.

After dinner family portrait 

With my two moms!
How lucky can a girl get? :)

24 December 2011

Feliz Navidad

Her puppies are due any day now. 

22 December 2011

red hot chili peppers morning

Mom dances with Michael (the owner of the hotel's son) 
working up a hunger for breakfast
also, he shows us his cool new dinosaur book 
great way to start the day!

21 December 2011

Mom va conociendo la zona

View From our Cabin in Perquin
nice way to wake up
or take a leisurely nap

Mom and I having coffee on the terraza

The nacimiento scene at the hotel
my favorite are the armadillos and the lady with the pink apron and canasta on her head
see if you can spot them
Mom and I hitched a ride to check out El Mozote
The First Lady of El Salvador was visiting this little pueblo to hand out toys to all the children
We arrived as her motorcade was leaving
but we saw many smiling faces on children as they played with new toy trucks and barbie dolls
children's memorial garden at El Mozote

Sister Anne organizing the christmas giveaways to the pueblo of Mozote

Artisans set up sales in Mozote

Yo y Don Cruz
He's from Mozote and he lost his family in the massacre
he's also a good friend and truly sincere, hard working man, who always manages to give me the biggest smile and jokes with me about when I'm going to help him with his carpentry projects. 

Mozote Memorial

door to the children's memorial garden

doing a little shopping at my mercado in perquin

mom in front of the newest mural in Perquin
checking out the guerilla campamento in Perquin

going in the underground tunnel

I love the exact science of this
eh, one or two people can cross, you know give or take

"Don't Jump" and "not responsible for beaten people" I think they mean injured...
makes a person feel safe.
and again, the maximum weight is 3 people

who knew coffee was so christmasy

visiting with the abuela over sweet coffee
who's abuela? the pueblos abuela.

cooling the freshly roasted coffee beans,
and learning about the process
video coming soon

Rosa making some fresh cuajada or milk curd

waiting for the pick-up to visit host family

yo y Esperanza 

Proud with my host mom and her new apron,
yes, three pupusas on a comal

mom and I buying jewelry from my host cousin's new line
found my new years eve bling!

Cristian and mom playing with the batmobile