11 December 2011

celebrating refugee return

Last month my host family invited me to stay with them November 11th because early early early (3:30am) on November 12th they would begin the celebration of return from the refugee camps in Honduras during El Salvador's Civil War (1980-1992).
The morning began with a morning melody played by the band (below)
 moments after the first few notes my little host brother, Christian's silhouette appeared as he flung open my bedroom door. Kreeee staaaalll! he yelled, I smiled and awoke with my arms stretched out
Cristian jumped in bed with me and curled up. He whispered, will you go outside with me to see the band?
I squeezed him and whispered back "vamos!"
it was a chilly morning as you can see by the sweatshirts. 
The women started cooking pinol (a thick corn drink)
they also gave out pan dulce to all those in the neighborhood
During the morning once the sun came up the neighborhood leaders put together games and gave out prizes  to all the children. This game was new to me, the kids blow as hard as they can trying to move the flour off the plate to find where the quarter is hidden. No hands!
I love their little faces covered in flour. 
This game was fun too
The kids have to pair up and hug each other hard enough to pop the balloon between them. Whoever pops the most balloons in a set amount of time wins. 
big hugs!
more balloon popping but with a different part of the anatomy 
please note my little host brother Cristian far left in yellow
Look how far ahead he is after just one jump! 
That's my tigger! So far ahead of all the rest. Poor things didn't stand a chance. 
Cristian wins a super sweet airplane for his super awesome jumping abilities
more balloon popping games... wow they really love balloons. 
who do you think won?
Yup my girl Navidad did! ;)
girls getting ready for dancing
all grown up with make up
pretty pretty Diana
practicing their routine
waiting for the show to begin
first dance group
The young girls dance for the neighborhood, they were so nervous but they did great
My host sister Yanery
Flamenco group #2
work it girls!
Flamenco group #3
For as conservative as El Salvador is... There always seems to be a way to work in cross dressing guys into the events
first I saw one in the circus in my training community
next I saw a couple cross dressed guys at the Rodeo... instead of clowns
and now this! A whole Crew of cross dressed men, one I personally know is a police officer so it was really crazy to see him. But they all seemed to have fun and so did the community minus a couple viejitas who were not impressed. 
they did a few dance numbers
Later in the Pupusaria with my host sister Yanery
Diana and I 
diana give big bear hugs... aaaahhh muy fuerte!

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