05 October 2010

back in site

Daniel and I both agreed that today felt like a cool crisp Denver day. It started out with sleeping in until 9thirty. Dang we were tired from a long weekend at the beach celebrating a fellow volunteer’s 2.5 yrs of service. He heads out in a few days back to the U.S. (photos coming soon).

I popped out of bed and decided to take advantage of the warm sunshine falling down from the heavens. Doing some long overdue laundry. I counted and was surprised by

A. How many pairs of undies I now own (22ish, some might still be hiding in my unpacked bags)

B. They were all dirty.

Gross? Maybe.  but here in cold wet El Salvador its no surprise it came down to such desperate measures as to go commando a couple days plus wearing the bikini the last few days to help my situation.
Regardless, after a nice walk up to the pueblo we stopped for a very VERY fresh chicken, bean and rice lunch. Daniel saw the cook in the back pulling the chicken out of the refrigerator, we be talking FULL chicken. Head and feet included. Lucky for us once it landed on the table in front of our hungry lil faces it was sans appendages y cabesa.

After we walked over to the mayor’s office to chat it up with our main man Mario aka our mailman. He is ordering some airmail stationary. It’s pretty cool really. It’s an all in one stationary sheet with postage built-in. Its old school and is charged in Colones, the old money before El Salvador was dollarized in 2001. 
Fingers crossed Mario will get up on that for us and I can start writing mi familia and amigos like I promised. Although I do have some rad Belize post cards to send out for some lucky folks…. So keep an eye on the mailbox.

I have a couple photos of belize but mostly relied on my mom’s camera and so now I need to hound her so I can post some photos along with stories of our awesome adventures. Let just say I am seriously considering taking up residence in San Pedro after Cuerpo de Paz. I know my mom must be laughing reading this because even though I know I was so easily pleased with EV.RE.THING. coming from campo life peace corps but I do think there was something in the water besides tarpons that makes the Belize people so chill mon.

The sun is setting and turning the clouds a mix of pink and blue. The temperature is dropping and my Jammy Jams are calling my name. I love being able to cuddle into bed in sweatpants, sweatshirt and comforter and feel fine. Who knew in such a tropical country the mountains could offer such amnesty from the sweltering heat found only 40 minutes down the road. Aaahh.

Other things I’m thankful for today.
1. Tripple Saldo (phone minutes) so I can call my Mamma tonight,
My Daddio tomorrow for his birthday
and a special lady friend who will be celebrating her first book release tomorrow! Love you Jenni Jen Jen.
2. Hinkle and I secured reservations for Christmas at the one and only beach resort in El Salvador. It came at a good deal and we believe will significantly aid in avoiding severe withdrawal and depression  that may come from not being with our families.
3. I fingers crossed have set up a meeting with my association’s sub-committee to start planning out the English for Tourism course.
4. Clean and dry undies
5. fresh produce from the tienda up the street, and from what I gathered the owner alleged that he cried from missing me so much. But Daniel claims he was the one crying. Not sure but I’m feelin the love now that I’m back in site.

Current status: decided my exciting evening plans will include: start reading The Poison Wood Bible, watch a little bit of the wire before bed, then NPR podcast to help me drift into dream land. Aaaaahhhh loving the pace of my peace corps life. 

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