25 June 2010

A day in the life…

our shanty porch in the sunshine

All too often I am asked, by caring friends and family, what a typical day looks like and I reply with the same “well… there is no such thing as a typical day in Peace Corps”. This of course leaves the person asking the question very unsatisfied and so here is not so much a typical day but rather my day today:

5:30-6am (typical): Wake up to the sound of cars, roosters, and passers-by 

7am-ish (M-W-F): Trash guy honks his horn really super loud – but today did not… which leaves Pato and I having to defend our trash from dogs and rain until Monday when he will hopefully honk his horn so we can run him out the goods.  
Roll around in bed for at least 2 hours (today I had that luxury as my agenda was open this morning) agenda in Spanish is pronounced: uh.hen.duh

8-ish am - El Pato makes yummy French press coffee (pretty typical behavior on mornings we are free) but this morning a special treat, FLAVORED POWDERED CREAMER! Big thanks to his lovely family for sending it in the care package.  Also, Pato utilized the juicer we were gifted. FRESH SQUEEZED O.J. – a bit pulpy but dang who can complain when both the juicer AND the oranges were gifts.

10am ish – we realize the force is strong today and so is the sun so we gather a heap of laundry and go at it. Meaning hand washing our clothes in the pila. We discuss or rather dispute best practices regarding hand washing. Success is found in the end along with our OCD/neurotic tendencies. The clothes are hung on the line with care by 11ish. I’m a faster washer than Hinkle or perhaps I washed less but while he finishes with his clothes I sweep the house a bit then lay on our SUPER RAD blue suede fold out couch and read about Mayan Ruins in Honduras that we plan to visit in Aug when Sarah Hinkle graces us with a visit. (both the laundry and planning for future trips is VERY typical behavior although we try not to do it EVERYDAY).
11am- In the Hotel office. Do some emailing, news reading, a little work

12am – think “Man I’m kinda hungry” Hinkle says “well its lunch time” So we finish up an email and head down for lunch. TWO Taco Salads with Grilled Chicken please. Yummy yummy happy tummy.

1 pm – head back up to office

2:40pm – starts to sprinkle. Pato and I walk then Jog then full out Trot back to the house to save our half dried clothes from being completely soaked. In the middle of the trot we realize neither of us has the house key. Ugh.

2:42pm – clothes is handing under our shanty porch covered clothesline. It begins to pour and we are stuck sans phone, umbrella, or keys. Lantis, the Hotel dog is with us while we wait out the storm for 45 minutes.

3:30pm – the downpour turns to sprinkles and we make a break for the hotel

3:32pm – Back safe and blogging.

Future plans for the day: rearrange my room so that my clothes are not in the darkest and most damp corner of my room growing mold.

current status: almost dry

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