20 May 2009

Amusing Kosher Facts

The glue on Israeli postage stamps is certified kosher.

This made me laugh a little bit since I tried to explain to my family and friends just HOW orthodox the state of Israel really is... this is just another example albeit one we can actually laugh at.
The next one took me a couple days before I think I started to laugh. When I laugh its more of a laugh with a shaking of my head in disbelief.

Israel's Deputy Health Minister Yakov Litzman said the reference to pigs is offensive to both religions and "we should call this Mexican flu and not swine flu," he told a news conference at a hospital in central Israel.

This came out at the end of April in an AP article. I quickly circulated this to my family to further prove whatever point it is that I can't even start to put into words. Anyway, needless to say I respect people's religious beliefs but Kosher stamps and Mexican flu seem a bit excessive. But hey, whatever floats your Jewish Boat I guess.

What is Kosher you ask?

Kosher Foods are those that conform to the rules of Jewish religion.
Although the details of Kosher are extensive, the laws all derive from a few fairly simple, straightforward rules

  • The presence of ingredients derived from non-kosher animals (The Torah specifies that the camel, the rock badger, the hare and the pig are not kosher) say to goodbye to your rock badger BBQs
  • or from kosher animals that were not properly slaughtered,
  • can't mix meat and dairy
  • wine or grape juice (or their derivative) not produced by a Rabbi
  • the use of produce from Israel that has not been tithed
  • cooking utensils that have come into contact w/meat that may not be used with dairy, and vice versa
  • utensils that have come into contact with non-kosher food may not be used with kosher food. This applies only where the contact occurred while the food was hot.

1 comment:

  1. I like the last part of that last rule, that the mixing of what utensils touched what only apply if the food is hot. So if I want to go between my cold kosher fried chicken and my ice cream I am no good, but change it to applesauce and we're golden.
