Fast-forward: a little before 5pm I learn the power is out in our little house.
Daniel: They cut our power
Me: Oh no… are you sure? How do you know? (with a chuckle)
Daniel: Because a significant chunk of our power line is missing. And all our neighbors have light.
Me: Oh CUSS! This is crazy (laughing still) Ok I’ll be home soon do you want me to bring you something for dinner?
Daniel: sure whatever you think sounds good.
Aaaand Scene.
Christmas lights or no Christmas lights once the sun goes down, home is a dark place. … we turn to the Virgin Mary candle for illumination. We purchased her at the grocery store along with other long stemmed candles, which were propped up in empty wine bottles. (This was Daniel’s engineering.) He also found a way to use a prior night’s Prego jar, filled it with concrete remnants from our backyard to give it some weight then positioned a skinny candle. I arrived home and it looked like a vigil. It has been one of “those” days…not to mention I spilled some of the salsa from our dinner plates all along the left side of my white linen shirt
“por mi culpa, por mi culpa, por mi gran culpa”
My balancing act of holding umbrella with right hand/arm/neck combo and the left hand spinning twirling chicken dinner plates. OK FINE not so much twirling or spinning but that is the writer’s privilege my friend Nancy asked for. Regardless… salsa on my WHITE shirt. Cuss.
Note to self: buy bleach at store.
(at time of publication VM candle has been broken and now resides near the weeping wall)
Repurposed – reengineered Prego Jar
Cut back to the vigil scene at home: Daniel had “one of those” days also. After we ate our chicken/rice/veggie dinner by candlelight I decided to try and cheer up my glum roommie and possibly myself with some little gems I had tucked for a raining day. Some very funny letters from one Ms. Stendlund’s 2nd grade class. Ms. Stendlund just so happens to be my cousin and took the opportunity to teach her class about different countries, travel, cultures, and I even noticed topography and animals was a theme throughout the letters. It is incredible how bright and funny 2nd graders are now days and with an awesome teacher BAM you get gold.
I’ve compiled a few that really produced some hefty hearty belly laughs resulting in knee slaps and loss of breath …
tip * click on photo to enlarge *
to kick things off we have Ms. Payne going above and beyond with a 3-pager...
and to answer one of your questions Ms. Payne... yes there are many Guerrillas but not ONE single Gorilla. ask Ms. Stenlund...
Next we have Macy with a very artistic letter in beautiful pink and purple...
And Macy... i would say at this very moment the weather is just right with a hint of crisp breeze.
Maggie, I really really love 1. your attempt at spanish, you vedy smaht grasshoppa 2. your info on China and Ireland 3. I really can't tell you much about N.Z. either.
Exhibit A ....
Peering Princess is now Daniel Hinkle's alter Ego... I must say I was very surprised at the number of inquires regarding peering princess... Ms Stenlund?
BELOW: Exhibit B regarding Peering Princess
Moving on from Peering Princess
Adison... I will be reading your letter each time I have a 'down' day...
Might be the funniest one ... Howdy Partner! ... Love me some Jacob H.
Not sure why... but this 2nd grader REALLY wants me to come back
last but not least...
we have TYLER with a fab. 4 pager including some Rad self-portraits.
Current Status: still laughing from Jacob H's letter