it was typical in many ways
we all lugged food, ate together, swam together, told funny stories about the past, one time my host mom was about to leave for a week in Nicaragua, and right before she left she cracked her false tooth on a toasted tortilla, she drank liquados for a week, then they pulled apart the pila to find her false tooth.
Later while my host sister was doing the back float a pair of dragonflies landed on her nose, I laughed… she quickly noticed as she opened her eyes and looked over at me… we both smiled, she asked if I saw that… I said yes, that is why I’m laughing, someone asked what was so funny, and my host sister said, a pair of dragonflies landed on her nose to have sex!
Grandma is looking for tadpoles, kids are learning how to swim with their parents, and the height of the drama is a near drowning by little host brother Cristian who has no fear of water even though he doesn’t know how to swim or float.
Of course is was also very Salvo… we took a pick up truck ride down to the turn off where another guy with a truck is rumored to give rides to the watering hole… He never comes… we stand around, make a couple calls and at the end he shows up about 30 minutes later
After arrival, we get lost on the walk over… everyone has been here before but nobody remembers how to get to that ONE place
We are all starving and huddle around under a tree for shade and eat a breakfast of fried plantains, tortillas, papas in tomato sauce and beans of course
After breakfast all begin changing under towels into different shorts and tank tops than we came in with…to swim in of course… nobody wears swimsuits…
Leaving the waterhole the Young boys who were playing soccer near us began yellin piropos first to my host sister who played a little soccer with them… and then to the whole family. One even drops his shorts and shows us a full moon on the sunniest day.
Then Lunch. (peak of the heat) we are served piping hot chicken soup. Yup, what better time than after a long day under the sun…
Then after a while we head out the way we came in, back of a pick up truck
Everyone was happy. Including me.
Cristian swam in his chones "ChO.nez" |
Host brother being fearless
and making sure I caught it on camera